Should a client, past or present, or their authorised representative, express dissatisfaction or submit a grievance, either verbally or in writing, with the service provided by Strategy Loans or any part of the loan application process, Strategy Loans will endeavour to resolve the issue with efficiency and fairness. All grievances will be resolved within 30 calendar days (unavoidable delays permitting).
Strategy Loans' Dispute Resolution Procedure aims to be transparent with open communication and mediation that, should all parties be willing, begin with an informal verbal or written discussion/correspondence between Strategy Loans and the aggrieved in order to resolve the issue.
Should the informal process result be unsatisfactory, the aggrieved can escalate the grievance to an internal investigation comprising interviews and written processes conducted by Strategy Loans' Human Resources. Please note that despite being a formal process, interviews and conversations will still be relaxed and informal.
Further, should the outcome of this investigation process be unsatisfactory, either party may engage the services of the AFCA Australian Financial Complaints Authority.
The Strategy Loans Dispute Resolution Procedure is free of charge to all clients of Strategy Loans and offers an immediate, fair and expeditious process. For any grievance that is not resolved within 5 business days and upon finalisation of a dispute process, the aggrieved will be provided with a written report including outcomes and actions taken to resolve the grievance. Please note the aggrieved may still request a written statement even when the grievance is resolved before 5 days. Records of the grievance and Dispute Resolution Procedure will be confidentially kept on file.
Should you have questions regarding the Dispute Resolution Policy, or require further information on the process, please contact Sonia Stefanuto Human Resources, Strategy Loans, details below.
If you are hearing impaired, we can use the National Relay Service or AUSLAN to assist in conversing with you.
If English is not your first language or you do not feel comfortable using English to do business with us, you can call 131 450 to arrange to speak to a translator, provided by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs. Please see the Translating and Interpreting Services website at
Regulation 271 Internal Dispute Resolution Procedures
Regulation 267 Oversight of the Australian Financial Complains Authority
Australian Standard AS/NXS 10002-2014 Guideline for complaint management in organisations
Invasion of Privacy Act 1971 (QLD)